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January 2023

Impact of the geopolitical uncertainties and on the medical aesthetics sector.

Major developed and all emerging economies except for petrodollar-denominated suffered in 2022 from a confluence of many aggravated negative factors of unprecedented magnitude, with the Escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war, no visibility or silverlining on the foreseeable horizon fueling an enormous rise in energy, raw materials and freight costs and exacerbating supply-chain-disruptions. The crisis has been exasperated by the synchronized end of the quantitative easing by all major Central Banks (FED, ECB, BoE…etc), leading to a Credit crunch as a result of interest rate hikes to control rampant inflation and a Meltdown of many tech and medtech valuations suffering major losses on US, EU, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swiss stock Exchanges. Moreover, China was under a strict and full lockdown in all of 2022 under a “Zero-COVID policy” by the Government with no perspective for reopening until the upcoming presidential elections.

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