A highly customized approach adapting to the clients’ requests

Our Leitmotiv: Engage into long lasting partnerships with Clients by balancing creativity & bespoke thinking

We propose a highly customized approach and are permanently able to propose our opinion and evaluation of Client’s specific requests and implement those in the agreed upon manner suiting its requirements as the deal evolves while maintaining a permanent advisory duty of care. The Diversity of transactional instruments is submitted to the choice of Clients.

We always protect Client’s interest with fair sale price & terms by relying on our longstanding track-record, expertise in transaction and sectorial valuations credibility as well as recognition of the breadth and depth of our knowledge-database. Our Divestiture Prices have set records on landmark deals in their respective industries.

A high level of attention, dedication and available Team deployed internationally, and working seamlessly thanks to the latest real-time work-sharing platforms. An approachable, always reachable platform of hands-on, dedicated, passionate and expert professionals supported by fully committed, service-oriented teams, flexibility and creativity in deal structuring are the main elements that define WINDOME BANKING PARTNERS culture and “raison d’être”.

A game-changing driving force in Financial Consultancy Service

Pristine Healthcare franchise

  • Experienced, agile, proactive and forward-looking M&A-savvy Advisor staying ahead of the curve in the relevant Healthcare spaces.
  • Globally deployed with seamless connectivity to key decision-makers across the pharma, generics, medtech, diagnostics, vaccines, aesthetics, anti-ageing, life-style wellness and beauty.
  • Differentiated insights and specific angles, proximity to most Big Pharma and FMCGs as well as Biotechs and Medtechs as well as Medical Aesthetics Gems and Unicorns.
  • Longstanding dialogue and trusted independent advisor to midcap and small-cap Biotech Clients, acting independently from conflicts of interests.
  • Constructive, transparent, objective, pragmatic and accessible advisors at your fingertips, focused on long-term strategic value maximization and our Clients’ portfolio enhancement priorities, not short-term gains.

Leading advisor in creating bespoke solutions to maximize value

  • Leaders in structuring transactions to unlock embedded value and unleash upside potential.
  • Customized tailor-made solutions, adhering to overall strategic objectives and adapting to the specific hierarchy of priorities, governance, compliance, personal wealth and incentives, timeline considerations, regulatory, tax and socio-political situation.
  • We are convinced it is critical to assess and quantify all value enhancing structuring avenues aligning interests between protagonists.

Expertise as agents of agile transformation

  • We support our Clients by assessing all strategic initiatives including M&A, reverse mergers / SPACs, licensing/JV/partnership, co- development, contract manufacturing and technology transfer with or without capital injections, so as to optimize optionality and degrees of freedom.
  • We leverage our connectivity with Big and Specialty Pharma and our extensive unmatched network in the healthcare space to perfect the search for the ideal partner in any transaction configuration requested.
  • Catalyzing groundbreaking disruptions to hedge against obsolescence, marginalization and price commoditization, by fostering the integration of new pioneering technologies.

Franchise Client model

  • Engaging into repeat business with top decision-makers at Specialty Pharma, Biotech, Medtech, FMCGs and Major Aesthetics companies and clinics.
  • Uninterrupted Dialogue and deep insights into the strategic mindsets of most aesthetics players in the mesotherapy, skinboosters, dermal filler and permanent fillers, revitalization agents, toxins, lifting threads, energy-based-devices, body reshaping and recontouring, breast and body implants, wearable devices, Internet of Medical Things, aesthetic dentistry, vulvovaginal rejuvenation, regenerative medicine, PRP, growth factors and new disruptive pioneers in the aesthetics and anti-ageing spaces.
  • Excellent knowledge of the integrative holistic medical aesthetics clinics universe in France, the the Americas, China, Europe and UAE.