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AIS April 2023

June 2023

Jean-Yves Coste, Chairman, Speaker AIS, Miami.

Although the unicorn birth rate has slowed down its pace in medtech, the AIS Conference Meeting was yet another blatant manifestation of the unstoppable resilient dynamics of the Medical Aesthetics Industry, the sky is the limit in the meteoric rise of these new game-changing disruptors shifting the paradigm at the cutting edge of technological breakthroughs.

Novel forms of EBDs push back the boundaries of minimally invasive procedures in facial aesthetics with ND:YAG, Q- Switched, Erbium Glass, Femtosecond and Picosecond lasers, as well as in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, High Intensity Facial Electromagnetic Spectrum, Bipolar / Multipolar RF and Microneedling as well as “lower belt beautification” including vulvovaginal rejuvenation, body reshaping and recontouring and cellulite resorption.

Personalized aesthetics democratize themselves as essential treatments because they do not only treat the patients, but also play a big role in enhancing their inner beauty and Quality of Life and hence have become essential treatments as revealed during the emotionally stressing phases of the COVID Pandemic. A sophisticated tech-empowered client-base, boosted by the pervasiveness of AI, machine and deep learning as well as quantitative data analytics and now the metaverse with its endless gamified universe of virtual reality avatars created by patients with limitless interactions with their peers and doctors fuel this transformation. Digital engagement of a community of followers increased massively consumer stickiness and crack the code of the repeat business to generate a sustainable loyalty franchise by engaging patients into an ecosystemic minimally invasive aesthetic powerhouse platform enticing patients into a captive and immersive experiential journey and retargeting them with adjacent products and procedure offerings to optimize their personalized anti-ageing treatment protocols, conversion and retention rates.

The conference was also an unique opportunity for pioneering new trailblazing treatments in regenerative aesthetics to unleash the power of their influence on the trajectory of this industry. Novel forms of plant-derived synthetic recombinant exosome-based treatments optimize neocollagenesis and neoelastogenesis by stimulating fibroblast proliferation, skin microbiota, growth factors, groundbreaking needle-free drug delivery technologies revolutionizing the precision of derm penetration, toxin performance booster, novel BDDE-free crosslinking technologies enhance the preservation of the hyaluronic acid’s rheological properties in terms of viscoelasticity, plasticity, homogeneity, cohesiveness and longevity.

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