Therapeutic AreaRegionDeal TypeNon Pharma
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array(1) { [0]=> object(WP_Term)#4376 (16) { ["term_id"]=> int(3) ["name"]=> string(12) "Transactions" ["slug"]=> string(12) "transactions" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(3) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "category" ["description"]=> string(386) "To reflect healthcare trailblazers, we are shifting our focus to an integrative healthcare approach from therapeutics to personalized and preventive medicine, anti- and better-aging, healthy well-being and lifestyle. Please find below selected transactions completed by WINDOME BANKING PARTNERS' employees while at other Firms, except for the Suisselle-Sihuan Pharma Deal (June 2023)." ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(75) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["cat_ID"]=> int(3) ["category_count"]=> int(75) ["category_description"]=> string(386) "To reflect healthcare trailblazers, we are shifting our focus to an integrative healthcare approach from therapeutics to personalized and preventive medicine, anti- and better-aging, healthy well-being and lifestyle. Please find below selected transactions completed by WINDOME BANKING PARTNERS' employees while at other Firms, except for the Suisselle-Sihuan Pharma Deal (June 2023)." ["cat_name"]=> string(12) "Transactions" ["category_nicename"]=> string(12) "transactions" ["category_parent"]=> int(0) } }
June 2018

Exclusive Financial Advisor to Bloomage for the completion of a strategic partnership including the investment in a minority equity ownership and entry into a long- term licensing agreement.

Undisclosed terms.
June 2017

Supply Agreement for two BMG original oral and dental hygiene products: Aftacure Gel and Aftacure Spray.

Undisclosed terms.
June 2017

Exclusive Financial Advisor in the Divestiture to the of Sothys SA’s 66.67% stake in Simone Mahler, the French dermo-cosmetic player operating a network of Natural Health Beauty Spas (« Instituts Mahler »), to Simone Mahler’s Management.

Undisclosed terms.
January 2017

Exclusive Financial Advisor to Bloomage for the payment structure aligned with future financial performance.

€ 13.65m Upfront payment + performance-based milestones.
December 2016

Exclusive Financial Advisor to Universkin for the completion of a strategic distribution agreement with Croma-Pharma GmbH and divestiture of a 5% stake to Croma.

Undisclosed terms.
November 2016

Exclusive Financial Advisor to Nicox for the Transfer of its European commercial operations to a newly-founded company focused on ophthalmic products in Europe.

€ 26m Upfront payment + future performance-based milestones.
January 2016

Exclusive Financial Advisor to Delife Srl and Relivia Srl on their sale to A. Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite Srl.

Undisclosed terms.
September 2015

Exclusive Financial Advisor to ERC for a share capital increase subscribed by UHNWI investors.

Undisclosed terms.
July 2015

Exclusive Financial Advisor to Bloomage for the completion of a strategic partnership and investment of 33.4% in Laboratoires Vivacy.

€ 179m Total equity value.
October 2014

Exclusive Financial Advisor in the acquisition of the outstanding equity of Aciex Therapeutics, Inc., a private, US-based, ophthalmic development pharmaceutical company.

€ 120m Total consideration.
October 2014

Exclusive Financial Advisor to NicOx SA on the acquisition of Laboratoires Doliage and concurrent entry into ancillary agreements with the Seller.

Undisclosed terms.
September 2014

Exclusive Financial Advisor for the acquisition of a 80 % stake of the French premium dermo-cosmetics player Payot, alongside a renewal of Payot’s Management Team.

Undisclosed terms.