Therapeutic AreaRegionDeal TypeNon Pharma
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array(1) { [0]=> object(WP_Term)#4374 (16) { ["term_id"]=> int(3) ["name"]=> string(12) "Transactions" ["slug"]=> string(12) "transactions" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(3) ["taxonomy"]=> string(8) "category" ["description"]=> string(386) "To reflect healthcare trailblazers, we are shifting our focus to an integrative healthcare approach from therapeutics to personalized and preventive medicine, anti- and better-aging, healthy well-being and lifestyle. Please find below selected transactions completed by WINDOME BANKING PARTNERS' employees while at other Firms, except for the Suisselle-Sihuan Pharma Deal (June 2023)." ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(75) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" ["cat_ID"]=> int(3) ["category_count"]=> int(75) ["category_description"]=> string(386) "To reflect healthcare trailblazers, we are shifting our focus to an integrative healthcare approach from therapeutics to personalized and preventive medicine, anti- and better-aging, healthy well-being and lifestyle. Please find below selected transactions completed by WINDOME BANKING PARTNERS' employees while at other Firms, except for the Suisselle-Sihuan Pharma Deal (June 2023)." ["cat_name"]=> string(12) "Transactions" ["category_nicename"]=> string(12) "transactions" ["category_parent"]=> int(0) } }
February 2003

Exclusive financial advisor in the acquisition of a minority equity stake in Incisive Genetics.

Undisclosed terms.
October 2001

Exclusive financial advisor to Teva in the acquisition of German Specialty Generics Company AWD Pharmaceuticals.

Undisclosed terms.
September 2001

Lead Financial advisor to Bayer AG in their preparation of the acquisition of Aventis CropScience and completion of a detailed fairness opinion on alternative strategic options.

Undisclosed terms.
June 2001

Exclusive advisor for the acquisition of the Californian Plasma Fractionation Company SeraCare’s 43 US blood transfusion and collection centers.

US$ 150m Total consideration.
June 2001

Exclusive financial advisor to Lion bioscience AG, a global leader in bio-informatics in the acquisition of US-based private company NetGenics Inc.

Undisclosed terms.
June 2001

Exclusive financial advisor to Teva in the issuance of a convertible bond offering.

US$ 500m Total Bond Value.
February 2001

Exclusive financial advisor to IVAX Corporation in their acquisition of Chile-based Laboratorio Chile S.A.

US$ 449m Total consideration.
June 2000

Exclusive advisor to BASF AG on the divestment of their global plastic Colorants‘ Business, a transaction involving 11 sites globally and the carve-out of the Headquarters’ support function.

Undisclosed terms.
June 1999

Exclusive Financial Advisor in the acquisition of DSM N.V.‘s Transparent Sheet Business, a cross-border transaction involving two production sites.

€ 400m Total enterprise value.
March 1999

Exclusive Financial Advisor for the issuance of equity instruments (SWORD: Stock Warrant Off-Balance-Sheet R&D vehicle), consisting in the demerger of Central Nervous System assets.

Undisclosed terms.
January 1999

Exclusive Financial Advisor in the acquisition of the Swedish Industrial Gas Corporation AGA.

Swedish Kr. 10bn Total enterprise value.
July 1998

Exclusive Financial Advisor to Tobaccoland GmbH & Co KG, in the combination via merger of their cigarette manufacturing and distribution activities with Austria Tabak.

DEM 4bn Total consideration.