Premium and cutting-edge tailor-made M&A solutions

Empowerment of Clients via a differentiated, agile and flexible M&A approach, unleashing the value of  in-depth experience in deal-shaping and valuation.

Our DNA and driving force: Dexterity in customizing deal-making with complex transactions driven by demanding shareholders and management, spin-offs, carve-outs, split-offs, tracking stocks, management buy-out, we define the right strategy in a close collaboration with our Clients to establish a fair price and maximize value. We calibrate and anticipate our Clients’ needs  in the continuation of their growth trajectory, this enables us to right size the assignments and tailor make the advice to what they really need and only that. 

Deal-Shaping Phase: we dedicate quality time to map the key value-streams of our Clients’ business verticals, and then brainstorm ahead of kicking off the process with our Clients teams and coordinate closely with their advisers in order to fine-tune the M&A transaction structure towards the priority objectives of our Clients.

Excellent Fluency in Biotech and Medtech M&A, multi-layered topnotch and targeted advisory expertise driven by such forces as demanding shareholders and Management, cyclicality as in other M&A consolidation, sophistication in the structuring to align the interests of the Management with those of shareholders and a strong degree of empowerment of management in the process.

Expertise in aligning Management Incentivization Programs: we leverage our degree of familiarization with Management Cash or ESOP-driven incentives and compensation kickers to facilitate adoption of Transaction objectives by Management.

Catalyzing the deal-making: we de-risk closing by improving transparency, responsiveness, and visibility and accelerating deal-momentum in execution as well as reducing uncertainties via staggering of the transaction and realization of value over a succession of attainable milestones, as well as earn-outs and ratchet instruments.

Strong valuation skills: we have gained specialized technical know-how in the valuation of healthcare companies and developed our prowess in building multiparametric models for biotech and medtech targets including DCF, market- based trading and transaction multiples, quantum trade and quantum transaction analysis, reflecting the maturity of their pipeline via appropriate adjustment factors and sensitivity analysis, as well as life-cycle considerations, competitive dynamics, macropolitical environment.

We provide a streamlined M&A advice to young leading companies as well as large corporations. The execution of our M&A transaction is supported by an efficient and avant-gardistic comprehensive research, insights from the industry and a longstanding access to senior decision makers and “white-glove” services performed for the Client.

We operate seamlessly on a global basis, by scrutinizing emerging opportunities in the entire world, and leverage our unique cross-border credentials by cross-fertilizing the synergies from a multicultural and multilingual team with versatile skillsets, academic and professional backgrounds. We have built longstanding recurrent relationships with key European, American, APAC and now MENA Region Pharma and FMCG Buyers.