Financial Markets-savvy Equity Capital Raising Transaction Credentials

We design targeted and customized capital market strategies geared to our Clients’ objectives adhering to their equity narratives

Highly specialized and targeted Capital Raising Capabilities:

We have developed and refined our Capital raising, Private Placements, PIPEs, eg. debt convertible or preferred convertible offering capabilities, Short Term Bridge Financing, Mid-Term and Long-Term Debt capital raising, taking into consideration the capital market sentiment, liquidity, interest rates and the flight to quality and safety in an increasingly volatile environment.

Leveraging our distinctive and targeted research and valuation capabilities, we design targeted capital market strategies geared to our specific client’s objective, deploying our best efforts to match the Client’s equity story narrative, deploying our arsenal of valuation capabilities. We optimize this by tapping into a relevant reservoir of Private Equity and Growth Capital as well as VC Investors.

We capitalize on the recession-proof and crisis-resistant features of the healthcare safe-haven to de-risk the equity story profile and elevate the attractiveness of the business plans presented to investors by emphasizing the sustainability and predictability of future free-cash-flow generation.

We constantly focus on cross-fertilizing the synergies between equity capital markets and debt financing, eg by devising balanced hybrid financial structures integrating debt and equity components to derisk their perception by investors, eg convertible debt or preferred equity offering with fixed coupon combined cash and PIK components to provide predictability and visibility of future payments for the investors.

Our intimate knowledge of key value drivers in the Sector enables us to leverage the high degrees of specificity and granularity of our research database to best validate and  substantiate the Capital Markets’ candidates business plan and equity story.

We also master the pertinent financial instruments to provide value in a comprehensive strategy. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis in accordance with Gordon Shapiro Model and Exit EBITDA Valuation Analysis as well as application of CAPM and Beta Leveraging for customized WACC determination, Quantum Trading, Quantum Trading Analysis, Cox, Ross & Rubinstein Option or Black Sholes Value Analysis and Real Option Value Calculation, LBO modelling, etc, we fully leverage the wide “toolbox” finance offers. A bespoke, laser-sharp approach maximises value.